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But first, a thank you to brave bytes and bytes of data it took to get you across the internet to me. May they rest in peace.


And now that I have you here, captive on my personal website, allow me to tell you a little bit about myself as if you may be here to employ me or interview me or stalk me or whatnot, so here goes;


I am film production sound mixer with a background spanning music composition, film production, and live events. My sound experience is in the form of study through the prestigious Berklee College of Music (Boston), where I learned from experts and scholars respected across their fields, classes in music production, sound design, foley and ADR, scoring for picture, and field recording. My work experience includes mixing live shows (mostly at country bars) and from various A/V roles (Northeastern University, New York Law School, NY Hotels). 


On occasion, I set down my microphones and headphones and digital mixers and pick up a camera. Back in college I was a band photographer across the underground Boston music scene. I'd take so many photos doing live gigs I thought that instead of pressing a button 15 times a second and  shooting 15 frames a second I might as well move up to pressing a button once and shooting 48 frames a second. I've shot music videos mostly, with a few short films (some seriously experimental stuff in there), and am always looking to support a camera team!


I don't always work. Sometimes I do other things, like watch the mourning doves outside my window shit on my stoop. Well, that and  a little... comedy writing. Now before you go running I want to reassure you that there is only one of two ways to access this forbidden filmography. Unfortunately for you one of those is my personal website. This one, in fact. If you're looking for something a bit less funny and a bit more not funny then I might be able to straighten myself up and out enough for commercials and other serious things. And if you're looking for screenplays or other samples of my work, just ask. Shoot me an email and I'll get write back to you.






The end of all things.


Including introductions.

Especially introductions.

In particular, this one.

©2024 Remington Strecker

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